As acupuncture is an energetic medicine, it can be used to treat a multitude of ailments. Once I have made a diagnosis, your treatment will incorporate various components associated with Chinese Medicine.
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese treatment, which works on restoring the bodies energy ‘channels’, by removing blocked Qi (energy) which causes illness or disease.
It uses extremely fine needles to access these channels via ‘access points’, which alleviates any blockages and ensures the energy flows freely again and the patient is restored to good health.
- Find out more about Acupuncture

Chinese Herbal Therapy
For over 3,000 years, the Chinese have been using thousands of different herbs to treat different ailments. Herbal combinations can be made to each individual person to treat an individual illness.
These come in various different forms, but I tend to use capsules, as they are more palatable for patients.
Cupping is the method of using glass dome-like cups to create a vacuum over an acupuncture point. This helps remove blood stagnation and blocked Qi.
- Find out more about Cupping
Animal Acupuncture
Veterinary acupuncture has been receiving greater acceptance in veterinary medical communities throughout the world.
- Find out more about Animal Acupuncture
Moxibustion uses a natural slow-burning herb to warm the acupuncture points and remove blocked Qi and relieve inflammation and pain.
- Find out more about Moxibustion