Qi is the ‘Vital Energy’ that makes us a living breathing organism. Qi is not just inside of us. It is everywhere. We take it from the air we breathe and the food we eat and this is why what we EAT is so important!
Exercise and fresh air will get our Qi moving.
Poor food no exercise and even poor posture will make our Qi stagnate.
In order to remain healthy it is therefore essential we need lots of good quality Qi to be flowing through all of our organs. If we have a blockage of Qi, or our Qi is low we will start to feel ill.

Tao produced the One.
The One produced the two.
The two produced the three.
And the three produced the ten thousand things.
The ten thousand things carry the Yin and embrace the Yang
and through the blending of the Qi they achieve harmony.
- Lao Tzu -